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Manali Trek…

Writer: Vijay GoleVijay Gole

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

There was one group which always arranged Himachal Pradesh trekking program. Initially they had a collaboration with Youth Hostel India but after some years they started arranging their own programs .Soumitra’s father told me about that program and when I read the details and I realised that same trek can be arranged for our group. They told me total 14000 Rs for each candidate..So I asked our members about Himachal Trek.Kalpak Shirale told me that he was interested in sending his daughter with Alibag group.So I told him send with me .So initially Gargi,Unmesh Shetty,Omkar Ghagre, Soumitra Joshi, Maitray, Rohit Ghorpade,Mrunal Pawar,Dhanashree Shirale, Bhagyashree Shirale, Vijay Gole,Mihir Supekar, and Santosh interested . There were many members who were interested but due to some reasons they were not able to come in our event .So we started further process like booking dates of suitable trekking program and mainly railway reservations.

So first by searching Youth Hostel India website we planned suitable dates ,then booked railway tickets . Luckily we got confirm railway tickets from Mumbai to Delhi via ajmer route.And return journey tickets were full but we got tickets of chair car Yuva express.All our muktangan members who participated in program personally saw all the process of booking.I tried to involve all of them in planning process.I took one meeting discussed about plan ,expenditure , reservations and we had discussion about details of the programme..For completing formalities like birth certificates, medical certificates , parants authority letter taken and scanned and sent to Youth Hostel India Delhi.Fees paid online.Medical certificate was format given by youth hostel, wehad to face many problems while arranging these documents. One problem was that later on Vijay was replaced by his brother and but we had all the train tickets for Vijay and intersting fact is his brother came with us without being caught.Then all memebers got membership card from Youth Hostel after proper validation process.

Then we started making list of all necessary things for camp like Camera, trekking shoes, sweater,gloves, suitable clothing,sun glasses,caps ,dish,glass, diary pen , drawing material,etc and one day I went for buying these materials to Mumbai .

We booked tickets for bus from Delhi to Kulu by himachal pradesh tourism website and it costed around 800 rs per head.One final meeting before our program was taken and instructions related to deep forest camp sites ,compulsory use of trekking bags, electricity issues and sudden climate change that we may be face and related to mobile phones various subjects discussed.

On second week of May our scheduled program for Manali trekking in which ,six days trekking, four days for traveling and two days extra for any uncertain condition .Our train departure time was 12.30 pm from Bandra terminals,so we preferred 6.00 am shift bus .But at a time we doesn’t got all tickets only six booked.Lot of baggage also there .So some parents went to time office gate with all luggage and luckily on that day diky provided bus was in that shift ,so all luggage put in bus.Nikam and I also in shift bus from time office gate , upto Kuhire gate some employees seat aquired for other members.Those were reserved remained empty.We already told to bus conductor about our trip so he allowed to all members.Bus was very full only some one got seat other than us .Our journey started with struggling.We preferred Vashi stand for Bandra terminals because there was direct bus from stand.Due to starting point we could easily manage to got in the bus.With in hour we reached at Bandra station.Termimal is around fifteen minutes from station so we preferred auto . There was lot of problems of auto , monopoly of auto rickshaw drivers.Only five minutes distance they demanded lot of money. But we didn’t have that much time so preferred any auto and reached at the terminals.Four auto different rates 40,60,80,50.At the enterance we saw display board showing our train's platform number.We reached at 11.30 ,so train was already there.Arvind Ghorpade was coming with us for helping us.Our members were very happy because first time without their parents they were going to travel for Thirteen days .

Our train departed on exact time.Many photos snapped with Arvind who was coming at Bandra .In between period one phone call of Vikrant's father ,he was telling about Alphonso ,he wanted to send for Vikrant .But I had not enough time for buying mangoes.Actually his father forgotten our journey dates.Vikrarnt was doing practice in Ram Manohar Lohia hospital delhi at that period.He already told me that he will be come in Delhi ST stand.He guided me to reach at Kashmiri gate bus adda from Rohilla station.

Our train route via Ajmer to Delhi.Normally trains from Vadodara,Kota,Sawaimadhavpur, Mathura and Delhi route.It is very busy route. Due to hot summer dihydration was more ,we preferred Bislary.One bottle shared by two members.Two persons among us does not have tickets on their own name ,Ajay and may be Mihir .So first time TC came to check the tickets I show my ID and tickets and showed all members.Every one have ID but does not checked.So I relaxed and after that only once TC came for checking.I prepared later of authority letter exchanging names in tickets.There are rules for traveling on same tickets but different names.It should be signed from railway authorities.I took school letter for reference and aadhar Cards of exchanging names.Our journey sarted early in the morning so no hone made tiffin with us so we preferred railway pantry services.In between period we were in contact with Dr. Vikrant.He already told me that when you reached in delhi suberbon area called him. He said he tried to come .He already gave me tips how to reach Kashmiri gate .

Some of our members traveling first time such long journey.Especially without parants guidance and away from them.Intialy everyone enjoyed but after some days or time everyone felt some different . Now every where you must take care individually and must follow group.No preference for food because it may be group decision or depending on availability.Region by region spices are changed so tastes of dishes also changed.So it is very difficult to adjust with this.Sharing here was compulsory .So person does not have habit of sharing it may quite difficult to adjust.But it changes our attitude automatically.Many times parents tried for it but suddenly in one incidence children changed dramatically.All members shared their school day stories .Playing some games, discussion about various carriers . Mrunal,Nikam and I brought cammeras.Nikam was very friendly with members than me .So our group members always attached with him.Like our Rajendra Pande they enjoyed his company lot.In every camp my daughter always asked Pande kaka is there or not.Many calls of parants came during travel.Sometimes I switched off mobile because our reaching time was next day afternoon.So further things I must need power saving of mobile. Our train route via Ajmer so we saw different parts of India.Train went to through Aravali range.Members were exited about Himachal .But travel upto Manali via delhi it may be difficult in hot summer days.Delhi temperature in summer around 40 degrees.So it is always difficult to our body to this climatic change over.So in Delhi forty degrees Celsius temperature and in Manali may be twenty so our body could not be accepted these immdiate changes.

Next day in Ajmer station almost all train emptied because many of passangers visited for Ajmer Dargah.We reached at the afternoon in Sarai Rohilla station of Delhi like our Tilak Nagar,Bandra terminals in our Mumbai Suburban.Due to some climatic changes temperature was not to high we expected.We checked our luggage in a train.Counted all bags.We tagged each bag with pink ribbon for our convenience.So it was easy to identify.A person who was last while coming out from train checked finally.We gathered at one place because in Delhi we must be always alert because many types of cheating cases always happened in Delhi daily.So only I and one of the member went outside the station area for searching vehicle and nearest Metro station.Vikrant already told me that you can prefer shastri nagar or pratap nagar metro station on Red line.In Delhi metro they are distributed as Red, green, yellow like our Harbour, Central, Weston line in mumbai.

We saw battary operated vehicle service for metro.We asked about tickets.He asked about total people.Than he said 15 Rs each.We asked because in Delhi each thing we must confirm carefully.So we returned to platform bridge and went to pratap nagar by battary operated vehicle.Actually first time we traveled by metro.So it was very new to all of us .Train ticket was also very less around 10 rs per person.They give plastic round shape coin .For entering the area of station we used that coin.Lifts are provided for reaching at the platforms.We did not know about platforms directions .So asked someone ,he told me about our platform for Kashmiri gate station.It was not far from pratap nagar .Only in some minutes station came . Meanwhile Vikant called me and he would be in ISBT around 4.00 pm. So I relaxed again.When we went anywhere from our state and someone meet you at that place who is from your state ,it was very joyful and our conference level also increased.

We reached at Kashmiri gate in fifteen minutes.From station I thought that stand may be easily seen ,one person told direction towards stand.It is called ISBT International Bus stand terminals (Bus adda).It is thre story building . Fully AC building like a airport.Tight security no one can entered without scanning. bus ticket was compulsory to enter in the hall..At the ground floor there is bus terminal.In our state stand like a ISBT not there or may be in rest of India also.All buses for Uttaranchal,Haryana, Punjab and Himachal started from ISBT.From delhi many tourist places around 500 km distance .So always at the evening time all bus departed from here.When we reached there we showed our tickets. there was open cleaned floor for seating.So all of us arranged our bags at one place and sat on the floor. There was good arrangment of bathrooms and toliets. Than we searched restaurant near the station and ate some food. When we returned to stand Vikrant was there around 4.00 pm.All our members knew him because he normally attends many camps with them.He gave them treat in MacDonald .In many camps they shared with Vikrant so it was very easy to interact with him.Due to treat they enjoyed lot.He assured them while returning he will be come to meet them.In our ST stands generaly our buses at the platform normally fifteen minutes before departure,here it was before one hour . There was proper announcement and if anyone not in bus whose reservation in bus than they announced with name.Sometimes they waited for them also. After announcement we went towards our bus ,bus no was written on reservation paper .It was himachal pradesh tourism bus.We put our luggage in diky .Bags were counted and binded with ribbons .So we said good by to vikant and our journey started towards Manali.Our journey started at the evening 6.30 so in short while darkness was there so like day journey we could not enjoy outside scenes of Himachal route.Around 10 pm we took dinner at one dhaba ,typical type panjabi roti and paneer vegetables were there.Our night traveling completed and we were entered now in Himalayan valley, around 6.00 am we took halt for refreshment. Than we reached at Kullu around 9.00 am.Than our bus driver told us that bus will be changed now for further journey. Another bus will be arranged.After some time we entered in new bus which was AC coach .So further 15km journey through that bus .Our stop's name was Dhobhi.So at that stop driver stopped bus we took all our luggage ,we checked all bags with ribbon attached.One bag was extra with same colour and company.Gargi pointed out that .so by confusion some one else’s bag may be with us.

When we reached Dhobhi on the bus stop there was one sign board seen on which Youth Hostel Himachal Pradesh written.So entered in that area .The place was at the bank of river Biyas.It was actually fruit orchid.Apple trees were in base camp area.Ten tents were there some for boys and some for girls.Two – three tents of a small size for two people but others were big and for 15 people . Large greenary around camp area , tremendous sound of running water of Biyas river.Mountain peaks seen from base camp.

At the entrance of the campsite there was office for registration process . South Indian lady was the main camp coordinator.I showed all documents .We already paid and sent all documents by internet but they didn’t have any information from Delhi office.So she called head office they cleared our issue.Than she gave intimation to her subordinate about us .Than our tents given to us. For girls shared with Baroda group ladies teacher and one girl ,so Gargi, Bhagyashree, Dhanashree and two other got one tent.For remaining nine we got separate single tent.No hot water for bathing so all of us used cold water.But it was not normal cold, it was child like our swimming pool area child water shower.But bathing was necessary because after two days taking bath .It maybe not be possible in Next trekking period due to jungle Trek.So some clothes also washed.All members now charged due to bathe.That day was only for adjust our body to that environment .So some program was also managed for that purpose.

Sharp 8.00 pm bell ringed and with our plate,dish and glass we riched in pendol. Buffe service was there.Food quality was very good.Previously all members who visited they told that only soup,rice ,dal served.But it was more than hotel service.There was paneer dish also.One person told me that now management was changed and some members from especially gujrat tried for better food.Some members opposed for that and supported for only local food which suits to that environment.But anyway we got a delicious food and nasta at base camp.

After dinner we gathered for camp fire but group from Gujarat was not interested in such programs. We ignored them and presented our programs.Our Afzalkhan Vadh powada was very much liked by our madam who was the main camp leader.One question asked by other group leader who was the teacher in profession.She asked whether shivaji maharaj killed Afzal in a cunning wày. I expanined her that if he was not killed Afzal than definitely Afzal killed shivaji .So Shivaji Maharaj was very clever man who knew all history of Afzalkhan.How he looted various holy places and how he trapped his father.So it was need and also tit for tat.But I think attitude of was different and may be interested in changing history.They always thought about Surtechi Loot .But many years Surat served for Mughals. In some historical books people tried to change history.So after camp fire program finished .We went to sleep in tent.

At 6.00 am call for energy drink before that we must be prepared so our schedule started before energy drink. We woke up at 5.00 pm and got ready.After energy drink we gathered at the pandol .Our camp leader gave instructions and we followed him .We went for morning exercise .It may helped for next few days.Some yoga exercise and small trek done in the morning. Some instructions given about next program.Than we returned to base Camp. After breakfast we went to nearly hill for rappelling .One rock they choosed and ropes were fixed at the top.Than camp leader shows different types of knots, clamps, safety belts.How to use various mountaineering equipments and profits of those things.Every one wore that safety belt and climbing and rappelling done.View from that point was very nice.We saw many crows and Maina birds from top.But they were double in size of our area crows and Maina birds.Biyas river view was seen from hill.Our camp location also seen from that place. After that event we returned to base .Around 1.00 pm we reached and immediately we had a lunch because we wanted to visit Kullu.

Some things we needed for camps .so some of us went to Kullu .We bought plastic coats it may be needed in rainy condition . Woolen gloves, sweater, dress material,some fruits taken from kullu market.we took one dress Material in himachal pradesh tourism shop.we returned immediately because our next program may be started in the evening.

Around 5.000 pm we were going for river crossing activity. Playing Cards, smoking,drink,distrubing others not allowed in camp area.Our members were found playing cards so we got one warning.

Exact 4.00 pm bell ringed for energy drink .So all gathered in pendal .After energy drink we left for river crossing activity.From our place around two kilometres spot for that event was selected.Here rope was fixed with two trees exactly opposite sides of the river.They tied it in slanted Anglefor better slides.Like previous day safety belt tied and one hook was attached on slanted rope. Than we can cross the river by just pushing the body towards opposite side of river bank.Lot of fun happened during that time.when we reached another end we saw some bull dogs wandering inside one closed area.For our curiosity we went there.There was cement canal size of that around five feet deep ,three feet wide and ten feet long .Five such a canal connect at the end with each other.Only entry and exit of canal at the river end . Only entry from first canal and exit at last canal.Filter nets along with gate at the entrance and exit towards the river.Water was entered from first canal and coming out from last canal.Famous Himalayas fishes which may be servived in extreme cold water were in that canal.One big net also provided on the canals .We can easily saw fishes inside water. Fresh Water was continually in and out from river.Fishes provided some food by care taker.He said that around three months each fish may be around one kilogram in weight and rate in market may be 200 rs kg .So it is very profitable business because no need to specificied equipment like PH checking, dissolved oxygen checking or airiation does not needed. Some natural food may be available in water also. All of us liked this plant.Our Baroda members were not interested in such things they ignored such a things.

Than near the fishing plant there was old flour mill which was still running on water flow.By the speed of water rock wheels were rotates and grains were pour in between them .They can got flour of rice ,corn, wheat according o feed.It may be very old.It was situated exactly at the middle of the river .It was at the one slope where flow was divided.Some people still using this chakki.Only our group was interested in such things .Other busy in only photo session. Than we returned to base via same route where in the morning we went for exercise.

When we reached camp ready .That time new team of around 8 nos joined in the evening.Mr.Sharma from Vadodara was leader of that team .From Baroda to Delhi they came in flight .There was Jain community ashram near ISBT Delhi they lived there and than by Ac bus they reached base camp.All of them from very rich community. When Mishra entered in base camp he was trying to impress everyone.When announcements during nasta time of camp fire he immediately told everyone that all of us report him for program than he would decide for camp fire.We already done program previous day so we gave only two programs ( two songs).

Day schedule was very hectic .So members took rest, some were busy in discussing about day activities.After some time bell ringed for dinner.Some members forgot dishes and glasses .So they shared with among others. That day camp fire we preferred to listen and watch.After energy drink instructions were given.our camp leader shows torch which range was very long and wide.Exactly 9.00 pm he torched towards mountain, someone from other end also gave signal .Actually our one camp site was on that point .Next day our trekking program actually started.

Next day early in the morning bell ringed for energy drink.All our members already ready . During energy drink period camp leader gave instruction ,ruksac weight should not be beyond limit and each person carry only one bag.Camp leader was going to check all bags.Heavy bags rejected and advised to reduce luggage.Than camp leaders of each group selected.Omkar Ghagre was the group leader.So than our around 30 number members of group started trekking.

From Dhobi to pahelikul was covered in first one hour Trek .From old bridge of pahelikul we diverted towards Naggar village.The bridge was old style bounded wire ropes from both ends of the river, there was not any piller in a river bed.From that bridge some steep route but it was normal bus route,we preferred short cuts during every turning points of the road because it was like a ghat section.After half hour we reached at Naggar palace or Rajwada.Tickets for visiting that palace.for each 40 Rs.At the enterance of the palace many himachal animals heads sticked on the wall . Information of each given.Information about naggar palace area and king was written on walls.One deer with long horns tied in the wall .Our members took many photos with that animal.Than we saw palace area.The wooden work is outstanding, tiny work on wood.Every enterance doors are with full of carving.Many stories,gods engraved on wooden part.The main speciality of palace . There is one godess mandir.It may be royal family members own worship place.All building painted with golden colour.Wood material is used very largly in every section.There is one section where all Himalayan region culture shown . Their old dresses, utensils, musical instruments, status of God and godess.After seeing all sections we filled our water bottles and than started for next.Now actual mountain trekking was started.Now big trees,apple nursery seen in between roads.Small houses with old structure also there.After a half hour we reached at one small village. There is one old Krishna Mandir .

Typical himachal style roof of Mandir.Wooden parts are used every where.One big Rath was beside the temple.On the Rath two seats are there.When I asked details about it. Pujari told me that one seat for God and another for their king.Everytime when there is dashahra festival that Rath used .It was pulled by e people. Mandir was in locked condition so we could not seen interior of the temple.Our other group not interested in all such things.So all were taunting on our group attitude.Actually it was nature trekking program.In that we must learn from local villages, villagers,trees, flowers, mandir.Main aim was that only.But that group was coming for picnic only.Thier teacher was also behave like a small child when we were going through small path or ways she resist to overtake.If we took left turn she also took left.After some time at one point I told all members better way to go slow and behind all the group .We took a rest at one table point where we eat some biscuits.We sung some songs there.After that point steep section started. From that table point river view was marvelous.We can see our Dhobhi base camp site easily.After one hour we reached at kharogi.Which was our next halt.That place was also one apple oorchid.Tents were same as base camp .One small house is in the apple farm. Tents were less but of big size so for Camp leaders one tent ,one for girls and one for boys.So we all gathered at one tent discussing about today’s event.Meanwhile I checked others facilities in the farm.Two separate toilets were there.I show to all our members.

From this point our problems sequences started.Actually Youth Hostel India is a famous institute in india and in world also .Many national level programs held by this institute.Very strict rules and good organised programs by this institute.Thier volunteers also different from other business oriented institutes.Special training are given to them and local people also involved in programs.So it is very safe and secure.Many years they provided food ,nasta in style of himalayain recipies.So it was not quite comfortable to other region candidates.But it was necessary for good health in trekking period.Now from some years it changes dramatically because some agents were entered in this camps.For their own business they started to change routine rules of Youth hostel treks.In our trekking program Baroda team belongs to above business policy.

When our member Santosh Nikam wandering inside the apple farm ,he saw one student from Gujarat group was smoking cigarette.He ignored but one member stopped him and offered him.He told them he was not interested an said him to carry on.Story not finished here they also offered alcohol drink .One of them told him they put cold drink bottle.Santosh ignored them.He told me when he came in tent.I called all our members in my tent and told them all story.Actuall I was shocked and I didn’t get any way for taking any stand for this situation.. .So I explained all situation.Not to take any thing given by that group, group leader Omkar keep watching on that members.Any uncertain condition call me immediately.Remaining days we wanted to spare with them so we decided to take action if our group members had some problem from them.Till we did not take any action. I was actually totally distribued due that event.But could not express.

Around 4.00 pm there was one program of visiting to nearby village Rumusu.It is famous village.Historical place.Around two kilometres from from our second halt kharogi.It is very small village.There are three temples in that village.One is related to famous Village MALANA.One of them is goddess temple and other one Narayan temple.Here no one can enter mandir premices with leather items.There is no murtis in temple .Only one big long stone inside the mandir. Local person told that only time of ustav murtis installed there. Murtis are all in the king’s palace.Our local guide showed lot of old houses .Local business.We took one interview of local lady .She explained how she made different types of dresses by wool.Thier traditional shawl was long.And that they wore every day.The rate of that shawal was 6000 rs .In a Kullu market it's cost around 10000.In that village we saw all women ,girls were busy in work and others were only wandering.One local person told about structure of house,base is around fifteen feet below the top level.It is for earthquake proofing.Big slate rocks are inserted on one another in a square wooden planks brackets.So any vibration it may be absorbed by wooden planks.At the outer side it was uneven but inside the house it was plane and painted by local soil.Temperture of inside the house is different than outside.Our local guide told us he normally kept his apples inside hour around three months like onions.Than he could get good rate of apples.He said that more rate for Kashmiri apple and Himachal apples rate from 30 rs to 90 rs maximum.Our local guide showed us huge Haveli in the village.It was marvelous one .Nice structure.Around two hours we were in Rumsu village.Than we returned to home.I was not in mood because I worried about members.Our group members mentality does not matched with other group .Thier teacher and group members laughing during Rumsu visit when our members asked various questions during visit.We already discussed about it .So we tried to ignore all things.

When we reached at camp I and Santosh discussed again with our members.Instructions given again.That day was hectic so after dinner we preferred to go in tents.There was no facility of electricity.I was in tention because of afternoon incident.My mobile was in off condition so at the night I sent message of that day’s main camp events.That night I could not sleep quietly.For extra safety I preferred one person in our members Unmesh Shetty, very sincere and dedicated person.I told him to observe all situation and if any problem inform me immediately.

Early in the morning at 5.00 pm I went to our members tent . Instruction given to them to get ready as early as possible.Around 5.30 am all we were ready.All members took drawing materials and went some distance from our camp . There was hill top from where view of mountains and valleys seen .

Golden rays of sunlight fallen on large mountain speard everywhere and it looks like a gold metals peaks.Total white and golden colour combination seen on mountain.Our members tried to draw on a paper .It was precious moment for all of us .We spare two hours on that top.Than returned to camp site .we already took permission from Suryavanshi sir.So when we returned as usual others saw us like we were Pagal type persons.But as per our plan we ignored .After that we took heavy nasta.Took some food material with us and we procide for our next halt.Second trekking activities started.Kharogi is around 6000 thousand feet from sea level.As we were going upward side of the mountain the scenic beauty continued.Our members collected various fruit samples, leaves, flowers,soil sample in small plastic bags.They actually enjoyed nature trekking.

As per our discussion we were in the front position during trekking and others were behind us.But real drama started at the behind of us.Some members started omitting .And alcoholic smell was also came .So group leader Suryavanshi fired all of them.That group thought we told to leader.So all gujrat group started targetting to us.When we reached near chandrakhani Pass area camp site.All gathered and their agent Gupta, Teacher asked me about today’s happening.I told story of offering of alcohol and cigarettes to our member Santosh. Gupta and teacher both rejected and asked who among them offered.The student was also rejected that he doesn’t knew anything about that matter.I was imbalanced and advised all of them that all of you were liar .You must feel ashamed that you were from Gujarat state where alcohol is banned from many years.And angrily told organiser I wanted to quit the trek.Our camp leader gave me assurance about safety of our members.They asked me why you all people not told him that matter previously.I told them that we were not trusted on that group and arrange us separate tent.They gave separate tent to us for next halts.Now all others were unhappy by my behavior.They were now trying to find our mistakes.We have lot of time so we took one interview of our camp coordinator who was with us Rumsu village.

He was from Thakur family of that village.His main business was tourism.He was owner of apple farm also.our members asked him about plastic bags which were hanged and tied on branches of the apple trees.That bags were full of Water.He explained about pollination of flowers of apple.For helping that process and maximum number of fruits on tree possible due that method.Than he told stories of local godess and gods.He also told about king of Manali.He shared experience about forigner .Once time a forigner was injured due accident and he lost his all indian currency.He gave treatment in hospital.He helped that person and also arranged for returning to his country back.After two years he came back to Manali and gave all his money back.Now whenever he came to India he stayed in Thakur's home.

Thakur told intresting stories of local festivals.Every Murti only once in a year installed in mandir. Than it is installed on big Rath ,many people pulled it during yatra.Around one hour we took interview.

Gupta was calling us down from hill.He complained that we were purposely sat on the hill.That area was restricted He also for not adjusted others for any events.I told camp leader that we doesn’t restricted others and we were not purposely sat on the hill.Actually they hert due to my words which I used for them.One another incident happened during that time ..Our camp leader asked cook about dinner preparation.So that cook also asked suggetion about dishes to group leaders.Instantly Mr Gupta ordered some dishes which were convinient to his members.I told him that you could prepare anything as per your material availability,our members doesn’t have any problem.Basically my view was that we were hieght around 10000 feet and all food material , utensils, vegetables all such things they got not so easily . So it may not be possible to serve as per our wish.We must adjust as per their covinence.Suddenly gujrat group teacher and Gupta fired me about my rud behaviour.I told him my point of view and also memorise them this was Nature study trekking program not a picnic and there were some rules for natural trekkers.They now angried due to my lecture.At the same time some rain showers seen from our location.Lightening in the sky, drastically climate changed.It was seen clearly on opposite mountain ranges .Suddenly scenario changed and showering of snow ice for a some time .I could not took any photos of that scene.

Due to our clashes with gujrat team Gargi , Bhagyashree were totally upset .Both of them told me that they were not interested to share tent with that group.So we meet with Suryavanshi sir .They encouraged both of them. Due their attitude I was also in tension.Our member Santosh always gave me lot of support.Dinner prepared by cook was excellent.There were not availability of electricity.No camp fire due to rain showers.We preferred to sleep in tent.That night also I could not sleep because I was worried about Gargi , Bhagyashree, Dhanashree.As usual I sent messages about that day events.In the night I came out from tent many times,observed other tents and returned to my tent.

Next day morning we wanted to climb towards chandrakhani Pass and Malana village.So we got ready and after breakfast we started towards ice region.We took plastic coats which we bought from Kullu.In one hour climbing we reached at snow points.Every where only white and white.Opposite mountain peaks like white caps on mountains.The plants were also changed as per heights.Now small bushes seen on the road.One type of small bushes which were full of flowers.Thakur explained about that tree and it’s uses.Its roots are poisonous.I snapped pictures of that bushes.He told many information about trees and wild animals.He told about Himalayan tiger and Bhalu in that region.Normally local person avoided to travel in that region.When we saw ice every where, some one among asked whether we can eat that ice.Than all members played skiding game form hill.All of us used plastic sheets for sliding.Lot of fun during that period.Many photos, videos of that scene grabbed in camera.It was the peak moment of all trekking program.Around one and half hour we were in that clean ice area.From that level we don’t seen any trees or anything only ice everywhere.Malana village is very near from that point.Malana village is different from other about behaviour of that people.They said that they are the people who belongs to greatest among all communities in the world.They never take money or anything from others directly .You must put things near to them.People who were outsiders not allowed to enter their homes and temples.Even they stood at certain distance from others.In that village women and girls were busy in work and men normally not doing any work.

Our ice area Trekking was full of joy and memorable.Playing in ice was a dream of everyone who are residing at coastal areas or in southern states.This event they stored in memory for a lifetime.

We returned to camp and after a lunch we started our return journey to base Camp.While going to upward huge and tall devadar trees and blue sky seen .Now when returning in downward direction we can saw large mountains infront of us ,we feel that we can touch it.Views between tall trees of icy mountain give inspiration to every artist to draw,good photographer take lot of shoots of that Scene.

Our one member Unmesh Shetty draw excellent picture of that Scenario.Our members enjoyed company of Santosh Nikam than me because he was interested in photos and lot of chats with them.Our next stop was just beyond Biyas river of Dhobi base Camp.But it is situated on the hill top.

While returning we saw a goddess temple.Structure of temple is similar to Hidimba temple Manali.Here all temples closed throughout year ,we can see from outside area only.One photo was taken by me.We saw all structure of that temple.No one was there for giving information.Exactly half kilometres away from that point three is exactly same temple as Naggar palace temple.

We were with Suryavanshi sir so lot of places they showed during trek.Another group never intrested in such things they were only busy in discussing , commenting and photography.Our ignoring behaviour them was continued.Because there was no sign of matching with them due to their attitude.We reached at camp in the evening.That day there was not tents , halls were given to trekkers.One member of gujrat team was suffered from fever.But most interesting thing was no one from that group had medical kit.We have one box in which all type of tablets, syrup, bandage, medicine available.We gave our box and told which tablet for which purpose.

In the night after dinner one program of Sky watch.They showed stars,plantes in the sky.Lot of information about sky watch from Biyas valley.That day we focused batteries from our campsite to Dhobhi base camp.From that side also they were signalling.Lot of fun during that time.All members tired . So all members went to sleep.

Next day morning after breakfast we were started towards Dhobhi.This route was through large apple farms .All of us strictly instructed that no one among us not touch to the apple fruits .That was like traveling in apple jungle.

There were some flower garden also.After one hour journey we reached at the Bridge point where we started our actual mountain trekking.Than within hour we reached at base camp.After a lunch we planned for Manali.Other group suggested for river rafting but it was not safety.So we decided to go Manali.All of us took bath with chilld water.Last three days we were not able to bathe.So body felt tiredness .We were very relaxed .All were preparing for Manali visit.

From Dhobi Manali distance is 20 km .We got HP torism bus .In one hour we reached there.We wanted to take some printout from there and information about bus timing for delhi.We already booked tickets but just for safety precautions we wanted information.We went to stand but it was very croudy.I asked controller about boarding at Dhobhi Stop.He told me that called him next day before one hour of bus timing.We took phone number of bus controller.

Than we went towards hidimba temple The temple belonging to wife of Bhima in Mahabharat named Hidimba.This are is very clean surrounded with tall devadar Trees . Outstanding scenic beauty view from this in many hindi films this temple showed,we can see in films ROJA, Saudagar . Outstanding work of this temple.There is big rock insider the temple where large foot prints can see on that rock.Area around the temple is well maintained and it is the famous tourist spot.After hour we returned to st stand. Manali was so crowded that I was feeling like walking in Ranade road Dadar.We took some things from Manali and returned to Dhobhi.

That was the last night in Dhobhi .So all of us were in relaxed mood.New group was joined in base camp.So in last day in camp fire many skits,songs and other programs done by new members.Food quality of every camp site was excellent.Some ups and downs were there due to unmatched group .But all members enjoyed lot.Next day was very relaxed day .So in the morning session after breakfast we visited to Kullu for buying some material.But we returned back immediately.We wanted to ready for evening bus.Our first plan was Santosh or me would come from starting point Manali and others will be boarded at Dhobhi.But Manali bus controller told us only phoned him one hour before journey than he would give instructions to conductor about your group.So from 4.00 pm we started to call him.But due to phone range problem we could not connect him.As per my calculations bus would be came from same route of Dhobhi. So we went to Dhobhi Stop .We were waiting three from 5.30 pm because bus timing from Manali was 5.30 . But after one hour also bus was not came.Suddenly rain showers started.There were only open pace no roofing for bus stop..So it was very uncomfortable to wait there.Many buses crossed.We observed each .One clue was it was himachal pradesh tourism bus so it must be green colour and same bus conductor and driver every day . we knew bus number also.Suddenly we saw that that bus and we relaxed.Couducter kept bus at the one side and told us that he announced our names in the stand.Bus waited there for half hour.He also added that it was your luck that we were chosen Dhobhi route due to traffic otherwise they may be reached Kullu with another route.So we saved once again because if we missed bus than next day our train also definitely missed.So our return journey to Delhi started.At 7.00 pm we were in Kullu. There was darkness everywhere.Our bus stopped near Mandi village.Where we ate some food.Than further journey started.In the morning around 5.00 am some loud discussion in the front seats of bus .We were in fast asleep so don’t knew what happened.Our bus stopped near one hotel.As bus stopped one man suddenly rushed out and started running .All others were loudly told others to catch that person.Hotel owner ready for that situation he grabbed him by chasing him by motorbike.Suddenly two police vehicle and one ambulance came . They ordered to bus driver to follow them.Police took a charge of that man and pushed that man in their vehicle.After reached main police station .They told people in the bus to report them .So I told our members don’t come out from bus.We went to police station .Girl was launched complaint against the man who was seated besides her.That was the area of Haryana police. Enquiries started but it was very slow process.So people in the bus who support that girl were suddenly become panic.Many of them now discussed that it was very bad experience of helping to others.Every one have tight schedule .So every one thought that their whole may be wasted.Person like us reservations of trains in the same day.Some were going to Delhi for official purposes.

After one hour man was arrested and our bus relieved from police station.Around 10.00 am we reached at Kashmiri gate .It is very luxurious bus depot.So all of us got ready there.I called Vikrant when we reached at ISBT.He came there to meet all of us .we than went to McDonald restaurant and ate some fast food.Than we went to Nizamuddin railway station by auto rickshaw around 1.00 pm.Vikrant went to Lohia hospital.There was crowded area near station so it was difficult to find all our members .We were coming in four different autos.After some time we gathered at one place .One large signboard showing train nos and names.We searched our train among them and saw platform no also.So we reached at the platform.One train was on the platform.GOA express.Suddenly one announcement I heard that all trains in Gujarat route was cancelled.I shocked because I didn’t have any plans for this situation.Main thing was that I had spent all money ,only Five thousand rupees remained.I thought that we would reached in mumbai next morning and than from our marketing bus we would reached nagothane.So no need of extra money.In ATM account also only 5000 rs.balanced.

Now Nikam and I went for cancellations of tickets.There was big crowd.So I told him you stay near cancellation counter.Mean while I asked one Ticket collector about issue and showed him tickets.He advised me to enter in perticular no compartment, don’t waste time . Train may be started within next 10 minutes.I again went towards Nikam and told him about new plan.Than with heavy luggage we entered in that compartment.As per TC's instructions we checked reserved nos ,someone already seated there.I told them about my reservation.Both person gave us place . Our three members sat on that reservation.At the top berth other four members seated .In next seats there was one big family members team from Maharashtra.We told our story .In their family two 6 years old children seated besides them so they told us to use two seats and also top berth .So another four members got seat . Now remaining Santosh,I, Omkar and Mrunal preferred to seat on the bottom.After one hour TC came I showed him my tickets .He gave me one written paper and asked me about money.Only five thousand rupees balance in my pocket.I thought he exchanged tickets .We reserved AC train tickets so it will be managed in that money or he transferred the tickets.He demanded 9000 RS .I told him real story .So he advised me that after two hours Mathura station would came and from there you can withdraw money from ATM.Now in my account only five thousand rupees so I called my friend Girish Mhatre to deposit ten thousand rupees in my account.Train will be stopped Mathura only two minutes.I told Santosh about this .When Mathura came I rushed out from train .ATM was near to me ,no one was there in line,so I went there and withdraw 10000 RS.This was due to help of Girish Mhatre.

But two minutes over and train started .But TC was seeing me continiously .He stopped train by chain pulling.And l also managed to get in train. My mumbai school -college days experience of train worked here.When I entered in train quite relaxed.Now there was not any tention about tickets.

So Tc called me in one compartment and I gave him money.He gave me one slip. Than I returned to my compartment.New senirio happened in Mathura station ,seat on which our two members seated booked from Mathura.So TC also cheated us .But they allowed to seat on there berth upto 9.00 pm and also adjusted their seats.Real problem was in night.So Maharashtrian family gave us three seats .So our six members adjusted in that.Gargi, Bhagyashree and Dhanashree all sat where the four family members and among them two were girls and their mother.Rest of us sat on the floor.Actually we could not took any decision.

Parents always tried to contact me but normally I switched off my mobile.I always tried to store battery life.Because in emergency mobile is very valuable.I only send messages off our day to day Programs.So some parents were unhappy due to my behavior.When we crossed MP boundary and entered in Maharashtra I was relaxed because here I could get any help from many places.When we reached Bhusawal I called Ghagre about our new journey.He was in mumbai so wanted to come in station for receiving us.I told them about changed route.I told Ghagre to inform others for new condition.The mamad route is very long . Train was five hours late due to some problems.My pocket was empty , only five thousand rupees remained I delhi and ten thousand deposited by Girish.Some money gave to TC and some for lunch , dinner.Due to hot climate water bottles demand was more.Our two members adjust one bottle to each other.They told they had some money but I told keep it for further expidencture.So I tried to adjust upto Pune station.we supposed to reached at pune after 5.00 pm so it was necessary to arrange private vehicle.So I called Ghagre and Rajesh Sawant for vehicle arrangement.They arranged SUMO for us.Manmad-Daund route for pune is very long around 12 hours journey from bhusaval.There was some traffic issue .So we reached at 10.30 pm at pune station.I was relaxed.First I went to ATM counter and withdraw remaining money from my account.Santosh went to find out good hotel because our members were very hungry.Meanwhile Mihir and Mrunal's mother, Manali came there .All of them very happy.In their life first time for 12 days they were without their family members.We request them for a dinner with us but already very late so went to their residence. Our members searched good restaurant and very relaxing mood they enjoyed dinner.Sumo jeep already came there so we arranged all bags inside the jeep and moved towards nagothane.Around 2.30 am we reached at the township. Our Manali visit completed here.

In all Manali camp lot of ups and downs happened.We started our journey from Kuhire gate by struggling and at the end travelled in sumo jeep with struggle.But struggle started from Kuhire gate for getting in shift bus and finished with returned back in sumo with huge sacs and 10 members.Lot of adjustment during whole journey.Specially tremendous flexibility shown by our members.In train adjustment of seating arrangements,calm and good behaviour with co-passangers.In Manali very tricky behaviour with Gujarat group. Ignored bad things and took interest in various interviews taken in Rumsu village, Thakur’s interview, drawing pictures in different locations. Collection of various seeds, flowers, leaves lot of things they done. They were not panic when our bus was in police station. During our journey Delhi to Pune when they knew that I didn’t have enough money all offered me their pocket money. All of them not demanded any thing during that period.All of them adjusted situation .I didn’t gave mobile to them because in day time I switched off my mobile.They knew which was important and necessary during jungle trekking.When odd group with us how to deal with them was the great thing they done. They grabbed information from every event.Dr. Vikant came ISBT Delhi both times our members enjoyed his company.He also gave them treat in MacDonald. Santosh Nikam handled all members in his way. Basically they were enjoyed trekking with him better than me.

In Photography he was very interested so our members always busy with him. Manali visit gave us lot of learnings. Various situations may occurs and we must prepared for that.We must have perticular planning for perticular situation.We must take information about camp like members involved, incharge, details concerning with actual field people, details of the facilities.

So Manali trekking is the mile stone of the life…….



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